Vincent J. Messina, Jr. Installed as President of the Suffolk County Bar Association

The Firm is extremely proud to note that Partner Vincent J. Messina, Jr. has been installed as the 114th President of the Suffolk County Bar Association. The Oath of Office was administered by Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, Hon. Hector D. LaSalle. Mr. Messina’s installation as President follows his many years of dedicated prior service in other positions and offices within the SCBA. The event was well attended by members of the bench and bar of Suffolk County and beyond and celebrated the many important functions the Association performs. The Firm looks forward to the continuing success and growth of the Suffolk Bar in fulfilling its mission under the leadership of Mr. Messina. All of us at MPH applaud Vincent on this significant and thoroughly well-deserved achievement.


MPH Prevails in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit


Perillo Hill appointed to serve as Village Attorney for the beautiful Village of East Hampton as of January 1, 2023.