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Recent News ...
Vincent J. Messina, Jr. Installed as President of the Suffolk County Bar Association
The Firm is extremely proud to note that Partner Vincent J. Messina, Jr. has been installed as the 114th President of the Suffolk County Bar Association. The Oath of Office was administered by Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, Hon. Hector D. LaSalle. Mr. Messina’s installation as President follows his many years of dedicated prior service in other positions and offices within the SCBA. The event was well attended by members of the bench and bar of Suffolk County and beyond and celebrated the many important functions the Association performs. The Firm looks forward to the continuing success and growth of the Suffolk Bar in fulfilling its mission under the leadership of Mr. Messina. All of us at MPH applaud Vincent on this significant and thoroughly well-deserved achievement.
MPH Prevails in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed the decision of the District Court (EDNY), which last year granted MPH’s comprehensive motion for summary judgment and dismissed all claims against the Firm’s municipal clients. The case, which sought in excess of $30 million in damages, asserted complex federal and state law claims for defamation, stigma-plus (due process), breach of contract, and Section 1983 liability. The Firm’s Second Circuit victory was featured in an article in Law360. Timothy Hill argued the appeal at the Second Circuit in Manhattan, and the decision was issued on June 29, 2022. Daytree at Cortland Square et al v. Walsh, et al.
Lisa Perillo Publishes Article on Evolving Open Meeting Law
Addressing an issue of critical importance for both governmental bodies and an informed and engaged citizenry, Ms. Perillo provides an overview of the most recent changes in the evolving landscape of laws and best practices concerning public meetings. The article was published in the Summer 2022 Edition of The Suffolk Lawyer (Vol. 38, No. 5) and can be found here.
MPH Welcomes Elaine Dawson-Burden, Esq.
Messina Perillo Hill is pleased to announce that Elaine Dawson-Burden, Esq. has joined the firm as an associate. Elaine is a skilled litigator and brings a wealth of experience that will complement and enhance the Firm’s representation of its clients.
John Ciampoli To Participate in State Bar Panel
As reported in the New York Law Journal, John Ciampoli will be among the panelists in a program addressing renewed interest in the Court of Appeals’ 2009 decision in Skelos v. Paterson concerning the again relevant issue of the Governor’s authority to fill a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor.
MPH Secures Victory in Federal Action
Representing municipal defendants in a Section 1983 action arising out of a unique set of facts, MPH analyzed the novel issues presented and filed a motion to dismiss the case prior to engaging in protracted discovery. The motion was successful as the case was dismissed, first by recommendation of Magistrate Lois Bloom, which recommendation was thereafter adopted by United States District Judge Eric N. Vitaliano. Benjamin v. Town of Islip (E.D.N.Y. April 2022).
Hon. Deborah Kooperstein (ret.) Joins MPH as Counsel
Messina Perillo Hill is pleased to announce that the Hon. Deborah Kooperstein, recently retired from the position of Judge of the Southampton Town Court where she had the distinction of serving as the first elected female judge in that court’s history, has joined the firm as Counsel.
MPH Secures Favorable Decision in Appellate Division
By Decision & Order dated November 3, 2021, the Appellate Division, Second Department, sustained claims by MPH’s client for breach of contract and negligent misrepresentation in an action brought against the client’s insurance broker. The proceedings in the appellate court involved an appeal and a cross-appeal from the decision of the lower court. MPH prevailed in both regards as the prior dismissal of the fraudulent misrepresentation was reversed and the prior sustaining of the breach of contract action was affirmed. Timothy Hill drafted and argued the appeal. Copacabana Realty, LLC v. A.J.Benet, Inc. (2nd Dep’t 2021).
MPH Partners Present to the Suffolk Academy of Law
In August 2021, MPH Partner Timothy Hill presented a program to the Academy of Law on the interesting legal issues concerning beach rights, ownership, and boundaries. In September 2021, MPH Partner Lisa Perillo offered an engaging presentation to the Academy of Law on the hot-button issue of short term rental laws.
Messina Perillo Hill Prevails in Federal Court Again - Obtains Complete Dismissal
By Order issued July 28, 2021, United States District Judge Frederic Block has granted in full MPH’s motion for summary judgment in the matter of Daytree at Cortland Square et al v. Walsh, et al.—thereby dismissing all claims against MPH’s municipal and individual clients. The case asserted federal and state law claims for defamation, stigma-plus (due process), breach of contract, and Section 1983 liability. The Order recites that the Court was “firmly persuaded” to rule in favor of MPH’s clients.
It was featured as a “Decision of Interest” in the New York Law Journal.
Vincent Messina to be Installed as President Elect
On June 3, 2021, MPH Partner Vincent J. Messina, Jr. will be installed as President Elect of the Board of Directors of the Suffolk County Bar Association. Mr. Messina was elected to this post at the May 2021 Annual Meeting of the Bar Association.
Messina and Perillo Present at Annual Municipal Law Program
MPH Partners Vincent Messina and Lisa Perillo are among the presenting faculty of this year’s Allen Sak Municipal Law Program. The program is offered on May 17, 2021 and May 24, 2021 and is addressed to the emerging issues and recent cases of interest in the fields of land use, local law, and municipal governance.
MPH Motion to Dismiss Granted
On behalf of its municipal clients, MPH successfully moved to dismiss claims brought pursuant to federal and state employment discrimination statutes (Title VII, Americans with Disabilities Act, New York State Human Rights Law), as well as other state law claims. The firm’s attorneys quickly identified and presented the court with dispositive legal issues in order to dispose of the claims prior to protracted and expensive discovery and litigation. Elco v. Town of Riverhead, et al. (Supreme Court, Suffolk County).
MPH named East Hampton Village Attorney
April 2021 — Messina Perillo Hill has been appointed to serve as Village Attorney for the historic Village of East Hampton. The firm’s appointment was made by unanimous vote of the Village Board of Trustees.
MPH Attorneys Named to SuperLawyers List
Messina Perillo Hill is pleased to announce that Vincent J. Messina, Jr. and John Ciampoli, having attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement in their fields, have been named to the 2021 SuperLawyers list.
Vincent Messina Named Legal Editor
MPH Partner Vincent J. Messina, Jr. has been named the Legal Editor of The Suffolk Lawyer and The Legal Brief, the official publications of the Suffolk County Bar Association.
MPH Secures Victory in Federal Court
January 2021 — Motion to dismiss complex land use and civil rights claims, brought by MPH partners Vincent Messina, Lisa Perillo, and Timothy Hill, was granted by U.S. District Judge Denis R. Hurley of the Eastern District of New York. The action asserted claims arising under the Fair Housing Act, the New York State Human Rights Law, federal civil rights statutes (42 USC 1981, 1982, 1983), and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Having previously obtained dismissal of a majority of the claims, MPH filed a renewed motion to obtain complete dismissal of all claims asserted in the action and successfully opposed the plaintiff’s motion to reargue. Village Green at Sayville LLC v. Town of Islip, et al. (E.D.N.Y.)
Justin Block Honored
On February 11, 2021, Justin M. Block received a plaque and a proclamation from District Attorney Timothy D. Sini commemorating and congratulating him for his service as a member of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Independent Review Panel. Justin was an original member of the Panel and served with distinction for over two years. The honor commends Justin as a “leader of the Suffolk County legal community” and notes that it “is fitting and proper to officially recognize those who, through their service, improve the lives of others.”
Christin Paglen Presents Program at Academy
Christin Paglen, of counsel to MPH, served on the faculty of an important program provided by the Suffolk Academy of Law entitled Emerging Legal Issues Due to Covid-19.
MPH Partners Receive Appointments
In 2020, Lisa Perillo was appointed as Chair of the Suffolk County Bar Association Federal Courts Committee and as a member of the Conferencing and Litigation Task Force. Timothy Hill has been appointed to serve as a member of the Commercial Division Committee of the Suffolk County Bar Association.
September 2020 - MPH Founded
Longtime partners and collaborators Vincent Messina, Lisa Perillo, and Timothy Hill have formed Messina Perillo Hill, a boutique law firm based in Sayville, New York.